Saturday 22 April 2023

Fake 157

On a recent visit to Soif, near Clapham Junction and to be noticed in due course, we were issued with fake Laguiole pen knives to cut up our (rather good) lamb with. With what I have at home being what they call folding knives at reference 3. With what you have here probably being what they call table knives - although they had serrated edges which may be impossible to sharpen. Not that that mattered on this occasion, they were plenty sharp enough.

But I might say that the proper edge on my own knife held for a very long time, a tribute to the quality of the steel used.

Readers of an argumentative nature might contest scoring these knives as fakes on the grounds that they were probably made by Laguiole. To which I would respond that there was no need to dress them up as if they were folding knives: they could have just made an honest table knife.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4: Some back numbers. One of which talks about fakes from China - so, given the serrated blades, perhaps that is what we have here?

Group search key: fakesk.

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