Friday 14 April 2023

Piano 68

A piano captured in the course of a more or less chance visit to the cafeteria underneath the Methodist Central Hall across the road from Westminster Abbey.

There were a couple of what I took to be Japanese ladies of middle years sitting just to the left and they were both up for a spot of karaoke if I could manage the ivories. Very jolly they were about it too, even if their English was a bit of a challenge for older ears.

The asset tag (to the right of the gold letters) is from the Thames Valley University, incorporated in 1992, formed by merger, with roots going back to the founding of the Lady Byron School in 1860. Subsequently taken into the University of West London, an impressively eclectic collection of vocational training establishments.

Which does not quite fit with the snap above. But I dare say there is some connection.

Another member of the collection is the London College of Music, said at reference 2 to be an all-Steinway operation. Perhaps this is the reason for their otherwise respectable Yamaha upright winding up in Westminster. The director of this establishment has a modest Internet footprint, not as large as that of a chap at the Northern Arizona University, but I learn that: '... Following an undergraduate degree in Music and Philosophy at Essex University (1990-1993), Nicholas completed an MA in 20th [century] Music and a PhD in Stravinsky and Music Semiotics at Durham University (1993-1998)...'. So probably not an expert on either the keyboard or the choral works of Bach - not that that would be of much use at UWL.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Group search key: mch, pianosk.

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