Tuesday 25 April 2023

Travellers at the bottom of the garden

It seems that Martin Clunes - sometimes the cuddly doctor somewhere up in Scotland - is going to law over the rights of a couple who live on a plot of land at the bottom - or perhaps the top - of his garden. A couple who appear to have been living there for rather longer than he has. From a distance, it all looks terribly messy, not to say grubby.

The plot in question may be that snapped above from Street View. 

Glad I am not the poor sod in the Town Hall charged with sorting it all out. The sort of complaint you might think was more appropriate to Range Rover Surrey than to John Deere Dorset. Given which, perhaps the title of this post should have been: 'There be travellers at t'bottom o' t'garden...'.

PS 1: regarding poor sods, I am reminded of a piece in the same number of the Guardian about how, in the absence of regular provision, the ambulance services are being asked to deal with an increasing number of mental health cases. Which are probably not what they signed up for - or trained to deal with.

PS 2: a serious John Deere costs a good bit more than a Range Rover. Something like the 9R540 snapped above, nearly new, might cost you $US 500,000 and more. Appliance extra.


Reference 1: It’s traumatic: new travellers’ Dorset home challenged by Martin Clunes: A couple’s identity as Travellers, and thus their right to live on a plot near his farm, has been questioned by the actor’s lawyers - Steven Morris, Guardian - 2023.

Reference 2: https://www.deere.com/en/.

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