Sunday 9 April 2023

Old news

Firing up the laptop this morning, I find that Microsoft have updated my copy of Edge yet again, an update which comes with helpful tutorial material about all the wonders of the new version. Material which includes important words like 'the flow' and 'sharing'. I was able to cut through all this stuff for the Microsoft news feed to give me a nice item from Bristol from about a month ago.

It seems that a Bristol businessman came across this decommissioned Boeing 727 in a field somewhere and thought that it would make a fine addition to his premises in Bonville Road in south east Bristol, just to the west of the River Avon. It cost him £100,000 to buy and I dare say as much again to plan and execute the move - all of which has taken him some years. Navigating the bureaucracy must have been some task.

But Google are on the case as it looks as if his new toy - destined to function as office and event space - has already arrived in gmaps. With one of the neighbouring sheds being a wholesale butchery operation. Altogether a more interesting mixture here than we manage on our own Longmead Estate, here at Epsom. 

Quite an extensive chunk of green belt to be found to the left.

Read all about it at reference 1 - if you have the patience to wade through all the advertisements that come with it. Including, in my case, some from Sykes, who occasionally supply us with holiday cottages. They pop up everywhere, sometimes in what seem like the most unlikely places.


Reference 1:

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