Monday 24 April 2023

Trolley 566

This post being a little previous in that, while I did capture this trolley in the Screwfix underpass this morning, it has not yet been returned to the M&S food hall and is presently in our garage, away from the prying eyes of passers by. But it will, in all probability, be so returned tomorrow morning.

While the return of this one, in the stream coming down from the Common, where it emerges from its stretch underground at the junction of Hook Road and Longmead Road, being much less probable. Can I still muster the time and energy to haul the thing out of the stream and march it down to town? No doubt across a good number of lowered pavements, a bit of a pain when it comes to trolleys, which have a strong tendency to veer down towards the road when on them. Two hands needed.

On the other hand, the grappling hook is ready and waiting, hung up at the front of the garage.

Total score so far, one trolley.


Reference 1:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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