Sunday 23 April 2023

Fake 158

Captured in the margins of a visit to Methodist Central Hall in Westminster, more or less opposite Westminster Abbey.

A handsome display if viewed at the right distance in the right light, but the few flowers that I checked were entirely fake, a mixture of fabric and plastic. So I imagine the whole display is fake - with occasional dusting (or perhaps washing) being a lot cheaper than the weekly replacement cycle required for the real thing.

I imagine that there were real flowers in the Abbey opposite, one of the most important venues of the church established in our kingdom, but, if there were, we did not get close enough to make any assessment. Maybe they were having a practise with real flowers there, in preparation for the forthcoming festivities? I don't suppose our new King - the inventor of Duchy Originals after all - would care to share space with fakes.

PS 1: jolly clever the way that the Blog search gadget takes more or less instant notice of new group search keys. Would there be a noticeable delay if one tried them in Honolulu? At one time, if not now, blogs were replicated across a family of country if not continental servers, so plenty of scope for glitches.

PS 2: later: I am reminded this Monday morning that when I was young it was important to know that 'antidisestablishmentarianism' was one of the longest, if not the longest, word to be found in the OED. A product of the Victorian taste for big compounds, possibly emulating in this the then academically pre-eminent Germany.


Reference 1:

Reference 2: I learn that the 'Methodist' bit has been dropped from the title of the hall, trying to make its way as an event space. But the Methodist connection survives in the background.

Group search key: fakesk, mch.

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