Friday 14 April 2023

Piano 69

Captured in action in the handsome ground floor chapel of the Methodist Central Hall, a corner of the building which did time as a branch of HSBC.

I had thought another Yamaha, to go with Piano 68, but now I find that, unusually, there is no label to be seen above the keys in the snap above. However, the shape of the score board looks pretty much like that of the baby grand at reference 2, where they offer a choice of two brown finishes. So I think it qualifies as a scoring piano.

PS 1: on the strength of this post, or perhaps on the strength of turning up reference 2, it only took seconds for an advertisement for a Yamaha piano to appear in my gmail inbox. Strike while the iron is hot!

PS 2: noticing a picture in the FT of the North Korean leader in which he appears to be holding a cigarette, not the one above, I made inquiries, and it seems that all three North Korean leaders to date have been smokers, and the present leader is not shy about being photographed cigarette in hand. This despite recent legislation to stop smoking in some public spaces. A tricky call for their health education team, grappling with very high rates of smoking related disease and death.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Group search key: mch, pianosk.

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