Thursday 9 December 2021

Wellingtonia 55

Was scored this afternoon from the 13:42 train running from Guildford to Epsom, a little before it arrived at Leatherhead. Spotted to the north of the railway line. I first took a look at Cobham Road, and while there was an isolated clutch of tall pine trees, they were the wrong sort. I then moved east to Randalls Road, otherwise the A245, the other side of the River Mole from the railway.

And here we have Randalls Crematorium, just the place for a Wellingtonia, and so it proved to be. In the car park, just by the chapel.

A sighting shot, for ease of confirmation on visit.

All courtesy of gmaps and Street View - and it was handy that the crematorium people let the Street View camera car in. I almost had time to take a picture with my telephone from the train: it would not have looked like much, but it would have been enough to provide further confirmation for any doubters there might be out there. A pity I didn't go for it. But scored the Wellingtonia just the same.

In my favour, I might add that I have been to the place on several occasions, even if I was not on the lookout for Wellingtonias. I have been nearer than the railway line.


Reference 1:

Group search keys: wgc, gfa.

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