Monday 6 December 2021

Trolley 450

On an otherwise rather cold and wet Ewell Village anti-clockwise, a trolley turned up between Kiln Lane and the Ewell Village turn-off. Returned to a reasonably busy looking Sainsbury's. 500 looking a good way off yet, so maybe next Easter is a more sensible target, rather than Christmas or New Year. Maybe if will be appropriate to combine the celebration with that for Easter: 'Thrift, thrift, Horatio, the funeral bak'd-meats/Did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables'.

Took the opportunity to take in a few rows of cars, and a few more after that, ending the walk by bracketing the missing No.36 with at 28 and a 40. Nothing at all in the thirties.

A new bean and lentil shop in Ewell Village, rather fancily fitted out with lots of brown wood, somewhere in the vicinity of the junction of West Street and High Street. Hard to see how one could make a living out of beans, so perhaps it is a hobby shop funded by a high-earning partner. But possibly a branch of the operation at reference 3, which has an outlet in not-far-away Surbiton.


Reference 1:

Reference 2: The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark - William Shakespeare - 1600. Act I, Scene II, Lines 180-181.

Reference 3:

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