Wednesday 29 December 2021

Two pounds of dates

The last of my Christmas shopping took place on the Thursday before Christmas, mostly in the Thursday market down in Epsom. And included two pounds, that is to say two boxes, of dates from the vegetable man, along with turnips and other important items. The Rolls Royce of dates he told me, a snip at four pounds a pound. And so they proved to be. Finest Medjool dates from the Jordan Valley, that is to say the part of Jordan the valley which still belongs to Jordan the country. Sweet and soft, but without any of the sugar syrup that is used to glaze lesser products. These dates were dry to the touch.

Along the same lines, but much better, than the Iranian dates we used to buy occasionally from the same chap. They could be a little damp to the touch, which I found rather off-putting.

First box finished today.


Reference 1:

Reference 2: A sister company. Which includes a booth at the Queen Alia International Airport. The dates are very much like chocolates, so maybe the mixed dates and chocolates offered here would be good to try. Yet to investigate whether mail order works - on a shopping site with prices in Jordanian dinars.

Reference 3a: Progressive Agricultural Investment Company, Jabal Amman-3rd Circle, Amman, Amman, Jordan 1118.

Reference 3b: gmaps 31.9536794, 35.9109055. Street View works here - and it is all much more flashy looking and modern than I had expected. To look at at least, not that unlike somewhere in a hot part of the US. Apart, perhaps, from the only modest number of cars to be seen.

Reference 4: The result of searching for the website of the establishment snapped above. Not the same place at all, but clearly a long way from either the Riyadh or the Teheran varieties of religious police. 

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