Friday 17 December 2021

Fake 137

BH's Christmas divi from Sainsbury's arrived to day, in the form of 1,000 nectar points, which Bing tells me are worth 0.5p each. So a fiver. I can't remember whether the divis one got from the Co-op in days of old were more substantial.

Faked, because Sainsbury's thought it clever to fake the stamp and franking when they printed their license number on the envelope. Not obvious to the first glance at the real thing, but obvious enough when blown up by the camera in my telephone: click to enlarge to experience. Plus all the 'Dear Linda' and love and kisses from some senior manager inside. For some reason I find all this fake matiness which pervades so much of the world of today rather tiresome. All this 'just call me Tony' stuff: he was not one of the boys and to me anyway it struck a false note trying to pretend that he was.


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