Monday 27 December 2021

An odd block

On our way to Long Grove Park yesterday, walking into the Manor Park estate, that is to say taking the first turning on the right as you head up Christchurch Road, past the church on your left, we came across this interesting concrete block.

Keeping unwanted caravans, caravan dwellers and their livestock out of this estate is mainly down to low earth banks, now mostly grassed over and no longer visually intrusive. In places, these are supplemented by concrete blocks, the sort of thing used to protect road works on big roads - the sort of thing which can be seen left in the snap above. But centre stage we have a much cruder concrete block, the sort of thing an enthusiastic but not very skillful DIY type might have knocked up on his back patio. So what is it doing here? Have the council redeployed some of their chaps to unsupervised block making duties?

A bit further round, we came across this Jaguar, possibly a thirty year old XJS, looking pretty good for its age. The sort of car you might pay £10,000 or more for. Although if you want something called a 'Jaguar XJS 'Lister' 7.0 V12', you might be asked near £90,000. Apart from the wheel hubs, it looked pretty much the same to me, but presumably not to the sort of person who might buy such a thing.

I am reminded of the Pontiac spotted on a sheep shoulder day back in June and noticed at reference 1.

PS 1: Bing doesn't recognise 'G08 FOO' as a number plate, let alone turn one up. But we will see whether recording the number here is noticed.

PS 2: Wednesday lunchtime: Blog search (search box top left) fails to find this post on either 'jaguar' or 'xjs', although it does after I have warmed it up by bringing the post up by hand. While Bing still doesn't recognise 'G08 FOO' and the few results from 'G08 FOO psmv5' are mostly in funny alphabets, about noodles or both. At least 'G08 FOO psmv5 blogspot' finds a few entries in the blog, if not the right one. Turning to Google, I get no results at all for the second search term and very few from the third, none of them relevant. So I don't seem to be making many waves out there.


Reference 1:

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