Thursday 23 December 2021

Feeding time

At some point yesterday, the day of the frost, we decided that it was time to install the bird feeder.

No birds seen in the first 24 hours, not altogether unexpected as they seem to take a day or two to find it and to get used it. Furthermore, the feeder is probably rather too near the kitchen window - say five metres - for their comfort - but the end of the garage is far and away the most convenient position for us.

The installation also served to remind me that I really do need to paint this stretch of fascia board. Painted - not by me - at some point in the last decade or so, maybe of the order of five years ago, the relevant receipt having been minced relatively recently. Not impressed though, the Dulux Weathershield of old would have lasted better, but we were told that they are no longer allowed to put in all the dodgy chemicals which made it so good. Blame all those unelected bureaucrats in Brussels. All those experts who like to think that they should be in charge.

However, I now have some Sandtex exterior gloss, which a painter next door told us was almost as good as Weathershield used to be. So something to do mañana, that is to say next spring.

The good news is that it is only this stretch which is really bad, the only stretch that catches the sun for a good chunk of the day. Other stretches can wait.

PS: checking, I find that we put the feeder up in October last year. Perhaps this year I have been mindful of learned advice about not training the birds to expect food to be provided when there is still plenty of proper food about. I also see that I made very similar remarks about painting the fascia boards. A proper, full-on Latino mañana.


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