Thursday 2 December 2021

Fake 135

At first glance, the sort of old style mirror you would get in an old style brown wood public house, the sort of place with lots of glass, ground, cut and otherwise.

Actually, more or less new and costing a good deal more than I have ever paid for a wall mirror, even allowing for the considerable passage of time since I last bought one. Apparently the product of some speciality glass operation in London.

The Big Smoke Brew company operates out of Esher, and Bing rapidly turns up reference 3 where I learn all about them. A beer operation which is moving into public houses, some or all of them in partnership with Punch Taverns, who may have bought them from Youngs when they got out of tenanted houses. One of them being the Rising Sun in Epsom. I was quite impressed by the service offered at reference 3 and the amount of useful information, intelligible to the layman, offered by the latest annual report. Perhaps you need to be a much bigger company, with lots of accountants and lawyers in tow, if you want lots of smoke and mirrors to cover your tracks.

I learned, for example, that during the hospitality lock-down they made quite a good fist of direct selling of various unusual varieties of canned beer.

I also noticed that while reference 3 is a government website with a suffix, when you go to an actual company document you find yourself deep in Amazon Web Services, with the URLs not being disguised at all: ''. So its not just the secrets of the Deep State - noticed at reference 6 - which are being hoovered up by Amazon. Perhaps they did Companies House as a loss leader to sweeten us up. And to think that our fat leader and his friends are obsessed by sovereignty - or at least they like to talk about it a lot - a matter that I had another occasion to mention only the day before yesterday, at reference 7.

PS 1: maybe Photoshop could make a reasonable fist of removing me from the snap above. Can't think how one might avoid getting the camera in view otherwise, other than by taking the snap from the side, not convenient on this occasion.

PS 2: as well as offering a rather good Mount Gay rum, this establishment carried several other interesting looking rums, including one from the Philippines which smelt strongly of vanilla. Possibly one of the Don Papa brands turned up at references 4 then 5.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

Reference 5: Some entertainment to be had at the art tab.

Reference 6: Amazon strikes deal with UK spy agencies to host top-secret material: Cloud contract for GCHQ, MI5 and MI6 with US tech group aims to speed analysis but likely to ignite sovereignty fears - Helen Warrell, Nic Fildes, FT - 2021.

Reference 7:

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