Saturday 11 December 2021

We'll get there in the end

The Dignity in Dying people soldier on with their campaign to bring a bit of dignity to some of those deaths which presently don't have any. Maybe only a few thousand a year in this country, but well worth doing something about. This being the thinking of more than three quarters of the population, with most principled opposition seeming to come with a faith flavour - a faith in the Almighty which more than three quarters of us no longer have. This now being the thinking of quite large chunks of the rest of the world, particularly of the western world.

But a matter which our government - presently of the party which believes in people being allowed to do what they want - provided, of course, that that does not involve taking recreational drugs or putting themselves out of misery - does not seem minded to do anything about.

Not that I do much myself, apart from the odd donation. Better than nothing.

PS: puzzling about the camera angle in the first of the snaps above. How do they get the new Portcullis House behind an old something? Puzzle not solved by going to Street View, so perhaps a visit is indicated.


Reference 1:

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