Saturday 11 December 2021

Trolley 451

A choice of three trolleys this morning. I passed on the first two in town centre. Paused at the third, and then pressed on with significant route alteration. That is to say, press on to the nominal half way point, the first turning off East Street/Ewell by-pass into Ewell Village. Circle the tree on the grass triangle there and head back into Epsom, ultimately retracing my steps home. Something I don't think I have ever done before.

But it afforded the opportunity to return the trolley from the creationists' accommodation block to Waitrose without undue abbreviation of my morning walk.

Notice the still-vacant office space to the right of the trolley. Did the council planners insist on that as part of their drive to build up local employment, or did the creationists not fancy living in ground floor rooms, visible from the road? Not exhibitionists to that extent.

I passed on a jolly child's woolly hat abandoned on the way. But I did score a pound coin when I returned the trolley, I did score a new-to-me size of rubber band and, unusually, a ball bearing. At least something which looks like a ball bearing, something more than half an inch in diameter, fairly clean and shiny, but which BH points out is probably part of a children's game or of a set of fiddle balls. Into among the washers for the moment.


Reference 1:

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