Monday 9 August 2021


09/08/2021 12:50: Volume 4 at reference 1 now has more than 2,500 posts, so it is time to move on to Volume 5. But I am not sure that I want to revert to the orange format, so a little playing around is indicated before I make the definitive switch. Watch this space.

09/08/2021 14:26: played around for a bit and managed to save some changes to the profile known as simple. But while I have got rid of the orange, it is not what I want at all. Must do better. Maybe there is a user manual for the profile editor out there somewhere.

09/08/2021 14:41: with thanks to reference 2 for use of their picture. Turned up by Google. Their date seems to be built into the address at the top of the screen, rather than into the page proper, in the way that I have got used to. A format I have not been offered - and don't presently want.

10/08/2021 14:32: set the theme to 'Simple Simply Simple', which is better, but I seem to have lost the ability to fiddle in detail. To change the colour of the title or to reverse the way the date is presented. Took a look at customising the theme html, editing which could no doubt do the trick, but which looked well beyond me. Well beyond my very basic knowledge of such matters. Most unsafe. This despite my longstanding possession of a copy of the easy going reference 3, I think a freebie from the people at reference 4, of Hyderabad.

12/08/2021 19:47: now done a serious post here. I had to go to HTML to correct the insertion of around half the 13 figures, perhaps because I both changed the size and inserted a caption. But at least the HTML correction was straightforward, if tedious. And I am not sure that I like the pale typeface. But I suppose I am committed now.

13/08/2021 16:31: not keen on the way links are displaying. With the softening of the font for the text proper, not enough contrast with the text for the links.

The record on Friday, 13th August

Volume 5: The blog you are in.


3 posts

Volume 4:    


2,552 posts

Last post: August 12th, 2021.

Volume 3:  


2,538 posts

Last post: November 7th, 2018.

Volume 2:


2,002 posts

Last post: February 3rd, 2016.

Volume 1:


1,846 posts

Last post: October 28th, 2012.

First post: October 26th, 2006.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3: HTML: hypertext markup language - Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd - 2015.

Reference 4:

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