Monday 16 August 2021

Owl time again

Woke up rather early this Tuesday morning - I guessed some hours before dawn - to hear an irregular squawking from outside. A squawk of a second or so, then a rather longer gap, of varying and seemingly randomised length, then another. This went on for a few minutes.

First thought was the seagulls which we had been waking up to in Axminster, but I am fairly sure it was not seagulls here, and although we do get plenty of them during the day, they are generally silent. Not as aggressively noisy as the ones you get nearer the sea.

A large bird rather than a small bird or an animal of some kind, so I think, the squawk was quite likely to have been an owl. Something which I think I hear from time to time - see for example references 1 and 2. But as in this last, none of the low & distinctive 'ter-wit ter-woo', familiar from childhood, about it at all. None of that at reference 3 either, among the various owl noises offered. Another puzzle.

Back to sleep again, to dream about a bowdlerized version of 'Waiting for Godot', to be played in the front room of our house, something but not quite like our actual house, to be played by various members of the team from the Blenheim (aka TB). Much fussing about the props, including a red tray with holly leaves which actually does come from our house.

On waking, I associated to a production of Godot which we had seen in the Playhouse, here at Epsom. Having quite forgotten about the rather more recent production, in a fringe theatre in the West, noticed at reference 4.

PS: the snap above is the best that Google could do for 'red tray metal with holly leaves'. But it does give the general idea.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

Group search key: zzz.

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