Saturday 28 August 2021


We took the third lot of blackberries from inside Hook Road Arena, where there were not as many berries as I was expecting, possibly because we had missed the first wave. Possibly because the groundsmen had been doing some cutting back. But picking from about four places, we filled the main tub and the two picking tubs. 

BH has tray frozen the first half and is bagging them up as I type this. Second half to follow later today.

Just one of the various stretches of bushes. Plenty of bushes, even if supply of berries not brilliant.

By the time we left perhaps half a dozen dog walkers had arrived. One or two of which had what looked like fighting dogs, with big ugly heads and big mouths. I don't suppose it is only drug dealers who like to have them.

The entrance to the arena had been upgraded with galvanised iron kissing gates - and we were told all the other entrances had been similarly upgraded. At the time I wondered why on earth why, but now it occurs to me that it might be to stop under age youths from using the arena for motor cycles. Perhaps motor cyclists had taken to roaring around the place at night, making a lot of noise and tearing up a lot of grass. Although the grass on this occasion looked good.

Perhaps giant car boot sales having morphed into pigmy car book sales for the duration has helped too.


Reference 1: The second (small) lot.

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