Tuesday 31 August 2021

Private road?

The scene underneath the blacktop at the top of Shaw Close, on East Street just before the turning in to Ewell Village. A close which might once have been private, and so paved by the original builder, rather than by a paving contractor working to recognised specifications... 

Visible yesterday because of resurfacing operations in East Street. Operations which were certainly needed, but the blacktop has been scraped off and there are quite a lot of cast iron obstacles which one does not want to hit on a bicycle. Plus the scraper leaves striped surface in places, a striped surface which sends unpleasant vibrations up through the handlebars unless you go very slow.

We also have the contraption snapped above - an ACKLEA Scorpion - which I have so far failed to compute, despite a quick peek at reference 1. Perhaps something to look at more closely a bit later in the day.


Reference 1: https://www.acklea.com/acklea_products/crash-cushions/.

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