Friday 13 August 2021

Wellingtonia 37

This small Wellingtonia was picked up yesterday (Friday) in the course of a visit to Athelhampton House, an ancient house in Dorset now owned by a Credit Suisse banker, on which I shall report in due course.

A bit on the small side as regards the scoring rules, but scored because of the novelty of the location.

Regarding which, perhaps some credit could be given for the sighting of a clump of large conifers on the northern boundary of the M3, somewhere between Junction 4 where we joined it and Fleet Services. I was driving so I could not take a proper look, but I thought Wellingtonia. They do have quite distinctive crowns after all. But inspection of this stretch with Google's StreetView this morning fails to turn them up, at least not in the stretch in question. Plenty of conifers and plenty of large Scots Pines, but no Wellingtonia. So unconfirmed and unscored.

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Group search key: wgc, zzz.

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