Thursday 19 August 2021

The Cobb

Just about a week ago we inspected the ancient Cobb at Lyme Regis. There seemed to be a lot of small brown birds grazing on the seaweed - or perhaps on small animals living in the seaweed - but they are not to be seen in this snap. Serious zooming does bring up various smudges which could be birds but it is hard to be sure. Probably sparrows.

While back at Axminster, at the George, we had a different sort of invisibility, not helped by the bad lighting in the snap above. We have a photograph of three young women with two bicycles between them, all dressed in pretty much the same way. One supposes that they really were on a bicycle expedition and that it was not just a pose. The problem is that the girl on the right, badly damaged by aforementioned light, is black. So we have a mixed race outing. So when was the photograph taken? Where was the photograph taken? Why were there only two bicycles? Outing from some kind of girls' educational establishment? New England or Old England? I thought the southern states unlikely. Could a bicycle nut work it out from the bicycles? BH could not offer anything on the clothes front. And there was no label. So likely to remain a mystery.

PS: could any of them manage the hill behind? Looks like a bit of a pull to me. But perhaps in those days of few if any cars, people had stronger legs.

Group search key: zzz.

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