Tuesday 20 September 2022

Wellingtonia 94

A low grade capture on the southern outskirts of Dorking, off the A24 to Horsham. Low grade in that the Wellingtonia did not look very healthy and in that we failed to get up close and personal, a requirement on a strict interpretation of the rules.

We did drive down Deepdene Avenue, aka A24, top left in the snap below, but it was not a good place for viewing and we did not think to park up and explore on foot.

In the rather secure grounds of something called the Unified Academy, which I took to be some kind of Army training facility, possibly closed, but on closer inspection turns out to be a school for those with special needs, as detailed at reference 2.

'Welcome to Unified Academy. We are a special school for boys aged 9 to 16 years who have social, emotional and mental health needs. All of our students have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

Students are at the heart of everything we do. We want our students to become well-rounded, confident adults with high aspirations for their future. 

We deliver a highly personalised approach to education with an emphasis on meeting the different needs, abilities and interests of our students in order to secure the best possible outcomes for them. 

Class sizes are small with no more than 10 students in each teaching group. Lessons are tailored, carefully planned and as a result, learning is more purposeful and engaging. As well as teaching staff, classroom assistants provide additional support for students helping to build their confidence and self-esteem whilst supporting their academic, social and developmental needs...'.

The first of the snaps above was taken from outside the entrance in Chart Lane, lower right in the second snap above.

PS: a slightly irritating post in that it was done in Chrome, where the blogger experience is not quite the same as that in Edge, which is where I usually post from. In fact, rather better in Edge, which is odd, given that Blogger is a Google rather than a Microsoft product.


Group search keys: wgc, dka.

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