Wednesday 7 September 2022


Following notice at reference 1, a snap of the avocado outside the back door, all ready to catch the early morning sun.

Looks well enough now, but will it keel over when it has exhausted the supplies in the admittedly large nut? After all, the Ohio buckeyes, obituarised at reference 2, germinated well and started well - but then stagnated and were killed off by the drought when we were on holiday. While avocados, native to central America and neighbouring regions, probably like it warm and do like plenty of water. We shall see how it gets on.

In their favour, I might say that the buckeye nuts were dropped in holes made in the hard clay with a heavy spike. No attempt to make a proper nursery. The fibrous roots coming out of the nuts would have struggled with the clay. While the avocado is in compost and, if it thrives, I might make a proper hole for it.

While from the haw jelly front, I can now report that while the jelly did not set, did not gel, it is now crystallising. Too much sugar and not enough pectin. Maybe add some cooking apples to the mix next time, as I recall, a good source of pectin?

In the meantime, the crystals do well enough on porridge.

And lastly, following reference 5, I almost had a second cyber-Wellingtonia. We were watching Mirren as Queen last night, when all of a sudden we were on a forest track with what looked very like a tall Wellingtonia in the distance. But this morning I find that our shiny new ITV Hub subscription does not seem to include checking facts of this sort. Furthermore, the shot of the forest track might just as well have been taken in the about-to-be-visited Rhinefield Ornamental Drive in the New Forest, rather than anywhere near Balmoral. Much cheaper than ferrying all that filmies' gear up to the far north. So not scored, at least not for the present.

PS: Microsoft News has just told me that our new Health Secretary, one Thérèse Coffey, is a sociable type who likes a drink and a smoke. Not that I can really object, as I do drink and would like to smoke... But I do mark her down for being mildy anti-abortion and for having a Frenchified name. And this last from a born-again Brexiteer.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

Reference 5:

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