Thursday 15 September 2022

Trolley 530

A topical trolley, captured if not returned to its rightful place, in the small museum at Dorking.

I suppose a relic of the days when people went directly from their homes to the church, without the intervention of undertakers or medical examiners.

Back in the days when we used to visit country churches more than we do now, we used to come across these trolleys from time to time, as noticed at references 2 and 3, although the Somerset trolley seems to have gone awol. While at reference 4, I remarked on a very grand coffin carriage entrance to the chapel at a cemetery in North London. Perhaps there was a special entrance for hand carts (as it were) around the back.

The present trolley is a bit grander and a bit smarter looking than the one snapped at reference 3, but I notice that both go to the bother of providing leaf springs, for the greater comfort of the deceased.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

Group search key: trolleysk, dka.

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