Sunday 18 September 2022

Dom Mark II

[Mark Fullbrook leaves a meeting with Liz Truss, UK prime minister, at Downing Street this month © PA]

Interested to read in yesterday's FT of the Truss version of the fat leader's Dom, that is to say one Mark Fullbrook. In the news in connection with his ten-year stint with the outfit at reference 2, an outfit which appears to supply a curious mix of management and consultancy services to governments and large corporations. Some of which look to come close to the sort of services supplied to our government by MI6, MI5 and their friends. Like the expensive consultancy operation run by Past Master Blair, I don't suppose they are too picky about their customers. Money doesn't smell.

Perhaps best described as a fixer, rather than someone who knows or cares much about the provision of public services or about all the little people out in the real world.


Reference 1: Liz Truss’s chief of staff ‘engaged’ with FBI in bribery probe: Mark Fullbrook has denied wrongdoing connected with alleged illegal donations to ex-governor of Puerto Rico - Jasmine Cameron-Chileshe, FT - 2022.

Reference 2:

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