Saturday 24 September 2022

A new sweater

A sweater has been draped over a bench on Clay Hill Green for some days now, so on return from an early morning flu-mission to Epsom this morning, we decided to gather it up. Having first waited for passers-by to pass and ascertained that it was XXL and so might well fit me. Now in the washing machine.

In the meantime, I am having some trouble working out where it came from or what it is made of. There are at least a couple of mission clothing outfits in the US, references 1 and 2, but neither of them look right for this sweater. 

While 'on dirait le Sud' is a widely used brand name in France, not just for clothes. It is, for example, the title of the French translation of the graphic novel at reference 3. But while I can find some shops and nearly new outfits which sell clothing carrying the brand, I cannot find its owner or a website. All very puzzling.

At least later today I should know whether it fits.

PS: later today: it does fit and seems quite warm. On closer inspection, quite worn in places, with the odd small hole and the odd patch of paint. But perfectly decent enough for wear around Epsom. But how on earth did it get onto the park bench? A druggie removing his sweater in the middle of the night so that he could shoot up? Then forgetting it as he took off down the hill in ecstasy?


Reference 1: The Serena Williams venture.

Reference 2: Gender benders.

Reference 3: A book about the US south.

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