Wednesday 21 September 2022

New sausage

I have not been able to buy what I regard as good kabanosi for years now, not since the days when expatriate eastern and central Europeans used to run delicatessens all over London. There used, for example, to be one next to the Odeon in Streatham High Street in south London and possibly more than one in or around Queensway in Bayswater.

This at a time, as I recall, when the Poles used to export all kinds of quality grub to western Europe for western European currency, but had trouble buying things like oranges at home - and had to rely on visiting expatriate relatives bringing them in in their suitcases.

But happening by the Morrison's at Sutton yesterday, I thought I would take a look at their cooked meat department, to find a chunk of shelf space given over to shrink wraps from Sokołów. I spurned their kabanosi, but instead took what they are pleased to call a country sausage, half of which I took with brown bread today lunchtime.

Not bad at all, perhaps a higher grade version of the French garlic sausage. But it would have been even better with white bread. I should have gone to Costcutter for some of their batch rolls.

PS: you need a sharp knife to get the shrink wrap off. Or perhaps I did not get the knack of it.


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