Wednesday 10 August 2022

Wellingtonia 90

While the last Wellingtonia of this particular outing might be in danger of being engulfed in ivy, which is unusual in my experience. Maybe there is something about Wellingtonias that ivy does not get on with, perhaps only getting a foothold when the tree is stressed, perhaps water stressed.

If I remember, I will take a closer look next time I am in the area, that is to say on the eastern side of the park.

In the meantime, I am starting to think about what form the celebration of No.100 should take, which ought to be well this side of Christmas. But maybe I should not count my chickens (as it were) with trolley No.500 coming in fifteen months shy of the original target of end 2020. See, for example No.400 at reference 2.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Group search keys: wgc, bpa.

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