Saturday 20 August 2022


[An August evening in a New York park © Nathan Bajar. With warning about loss of transparency due to my conversion from webp to jpg]

They might be a bit off about guns and about abortion in the US, but they are getting around to being sensible about marijuana. I read this morning that, since 2021, the stuff has been more or less legal in New York State, along with 15 other states.

How long will it take the truss? I would think it a fair bet that she is not unacquainted with recreational substances - so will she get on with reform once she has cut her ties with the white, male, elderly Tory faithful who are going to elect her?

PS: not sure how this new state law sits with what I believe to be the contradicting federal law.


Reference 1: How legal weed is changing New York City’s vibe (and smell): What newly liberalised marijuana culture says about the city post-pandemic - India Ross, Financial Times - 2022. 20th August.

Reference 2: An unusual website for a professional photographer. This snap failed to download in a secure way, whatever that might mean. Didn't stop it downloading though.

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