Thursday 4 August 2022

Northern Care Alliance

This afternoon Medscape sent me what on the face of it is a scandalous story of an 85 year old doctor who managed to kill his patient in the course of what should have been a routine day case.

The doctor was working at the Royal Oldham Hospital, once the infirmary of a workhouse and now part of the Northern Care Alliance family of hospitals.

A seriously over-age doctor with a history of both poor performance and of lying about his age. A history which included botching this very procedure. A doctor who had been sacked by Royal Oldham, but who was then re-employed.

I think that the doctor is now is jail - while I wonder what would be appropriate for the senior management team at the Alliance. As it happens the Chief Executive - one Dr Owen Williams OBE - was only appointed in 2021, three years after the event, so going after him would be a bit unfair. But what about the chap who was in post at the time in question?


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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