Friday 22 July 2022


I have often moaned about the difficulty of getting the sort of white bread which was reasonably widely available when I was young, when most suburban shopping parades still sported bakers. With two specific complaints. First, the quality of the white bread made by the supermarket in-store bakeries was nothing like as good as that they had driven out of business. Second, the white bread that I make, while satisfactory, is not great, is not much like the white bread of old - and I have not been able to find out what I am doing wrong. To the point where I have given up and now make wholemeal, as noticed, for example, at reference 1.

So I have been pleased to find that the large white bloomers sold by Tesco's at their large store just north of Brading on the Isle of Wight, are pretty much what I remember from days of old. So that from Tuesday just past was good, and that from yesterday was just as good. And looked almost as good as that turned up above, by Bing, from Northampton. Which almost amounts to an excuse to visit the place. 

A credit to the bakers at Brading. I might also say that the front-of-store staff were pretty good too; pleasant, friendly and helpful.

PS: remember to add the qualifier 'bread' to your search, or you never know what might turn up.


Reference 1:

Reference 2: The Brading people.

Reference 3: The Northampton people.

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