Friday 8 July 2022


I was pleased to learn this morning that there is a fairly active volcanic island off the north coast of Sicily called Volcano. Or to be more precise, Vulcano. A place from which a rich Scot, one James Stevenson, imported sulphur in the nineteenth century. See references 1 and 2.

The Romans thought that the island was the chimney for Vulcan's house, Vulcan being the lame god of fire and blacksmiths. Which did not stop them taking away various mineral and arboreal products. While it is clear from OED that the English words Vulcan, Vulcano, Vulcanite, Vulcanist, Vulcanicity, Volcan and Volcano are all thoroughly mixed up.

In the HD snap above we have the promontory of Volcancello bottom left, and mainland Sicily in the background.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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