Friday 29 July 2022

Critical national infrastructure

Not impressed to read this afternoon at reference 1 that we cannot build any new houses in West London for ten years or more because the National Grid has run out of puff in that part of the country. Is it a wheeze to increase shareholder value by getting the government to hand over a good fat dollop of money?

In the meantime, readers will be glad to learn that the company concerned, websited at reference 2, 'is working to biologically capture carbon is by preserving and rehabilitating an ancient peat bog located close to one of our substations in South Wales. The 15-hectare bog stores the equivalent of 32,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide, which is equal to the average annual emissions of 22,000 petrol cars. Restoring it has also provided conditions for rare butterflies and vegetation to flourish'. Snapped above.

But perhaps not impressed that our pompously titled Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure, to be found at reference 3, doesn't worry itself about whether there is enough of it. That's somebody else's job.

PS: maybe the Truss will toss our fat leader a little something when she becomes leader by making him the Tsar of Electricity Transmission. Pensionable salary say of £500,000? Five hours a week?


Reference 1: West London faces new homes ban as electricity grid hits capacity: Greater London Authority warns developers that upgrade might take more than a decade - George Hammond, Stephen Morris, Financial Times - 2022.

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

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