Tuesday 12 July 2022

Fake 147

Captured on the way to the Tower of London, an expedition just noticed at reference 2. What was once the front court of the fish market, being readied for a fake lawn, presumably on which to serve cocktails in the course of some important corporate event.

Given that the stuff appears to come in slabs, it would be interesting to know what they do to fill up the cracks between them. Obviously the filling would need to be proof against the stiletto heels which the ladies at the event would be likely to be wearing. Heel down a crack might have untoward - not to say unseemly - consequences.

PS 1: much later, that is to say first thing Wednesday morning: a bit of trivia: the first thing I usually do after turning my laptop on in the morning is to fire up Microsoft Edge full screen, starting from a screen which is nearly all a plain blue as I have very few on-screen icons. Microsoft Edge goes through a screen which is nearly all a near white before it moves onto the technicolour trivia called Microsoft News. On this occasion, the screen flashed a deep yellow before it went white. Too fast to be able to say whether it was the whole screen or just most of it. Not something I have noticed before. Some odd artefact of the the laptop, or some odd artefact of my eyes?

PS 2: a second bit of trivia was a report in the FT that a faked BLS report about inflation circulating on Twitter had caused a stir in the US markets. BLS being the Bureau of Labour Statistics, the people who track inflation in the US, rather as the Department of Employment used to track it in this country. The question in my mind being, if I had some professional interest in inflation, perhaps because I worked for a private equity operation, would I bother to check if I saw a headline-worthy report about inflation dressed in the ONS clothes with which I was familiar? Would I bother to check before moving into action? Being a naturally rather careless person, I rather suspect not. Then, will Mr. Musk, if he ends up as CEO of Twitter, bear down on this sort of thing any more successfully than the current CEO? Will he care?


Reference 1: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2022/07/fake-146.html.

Reference 2: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2022/07/blooming-moat.html.

Group search key: fakesk.

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