Monday 25 July 2022

The news from Hebron

Following the book noticed at reference 1 a couple of months ago, I was sorry to see from reference 2 yesterday that the Israeli government has succeeded in its quest to push some Palestinian villagers off their land in the south Hebron hills, in favour of its use by the military. I did not notice anything about compensation, rehousing, provision of new land or anything else of that sort.

If this was all one had to go on, one might think this a victory for just the sort of unpleasant nationalists who in Russia want to grind the Ukrainians down to the point of non-existence. Perhaps in this case they would settle for just pushing them into the Gaza strip.

PS: we also have Orbán of Hungary making the same sort of news at reference 3. While Wikipedia tells me that Hungary was surprisingly Hungarian for a central European country, most of which are or were pretty mixed up, and even more so after a serious bout of ethnic cleansing after the Second World War, getting foreigners down to a little more than 2% in 1990. But something went wrong after that, with all kinds of foreigners getting back in. Maybe immigration is as big an issue in Hungary as it is in quite a few other European countries. And maybe Orbán has his eyes of chunks of neighbouring countries with significant Hungarian minorities...


Reference 1:

Reference 2: Palestinian villagers lose 20-year legal fight to hang on to homes: Court ruling in favour of armed forces paves way for one of biggest evictions in West Bank in decades - James Shotter, Financial Times - 2022.

Reference 3: Viktor Orbán sparks outrage with attack on ‘race mixing’ in Europe: Hungary’s far-right prime minister says countries where races mingle are ‘no longer nations’ - Shaun Walker, Flora Garamvolgyi, Guardian - 2022.

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