Friday 29 July 2022


I did have a moan about my bill from the water board at reference 1 and I might have had a moan about the leak reporting facility on their website, which I found difficult to use - although, to be fair, it was complicated by the need to thin down multiple reports of the same problem.

However, there is no need to moan about the substantive service as, having reported a minor leak in the vicinity of the water meter in the pavement on Wednesday, they turned up to replace it at around 09:00 this morning.

Over the years they have had various goes at our connection to the mains and I remember talk on one occasion of one utility damaging another where they crossed over. Talk being followed up by injection of some sort of high pressure yellow goo into one of them, yellow goo which proceeded to come up through the pavement, presumably having failed to find any other way out.

Can't now find any notice of this goo, only turning up reference 2, where there is at least a tell tale damp patch. The same sort of thing which got me baling out the tube at the bottom of which sits the water meter on Wednesday. The propeller in the metre was turning slowly, despite all our taps being off, and the tube was full up again about half an hour later. The wreckage of the old tube and old meter can be seen bottom right in the snap above, this side of the new black tube. We were told that it is waterproof and will not fill with water when it rains, unlike the old one.

We were also that told the pavement will be put back together again on Tuesday. Presumably giving time for any further problem to show itself.


Reference 3: The water company.

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