Friday 29 July 2022

Not unlawful

I wake up this morning to an item from the Daily Telegraph, aka the Torygraph, about how Suella Braverman, the Attorney General, that is to say one of the guardians of our legal system, has told her in-house lawyers to stop telling her that stuff is illegal and to concentrate rather on whether she could get away with it. See reference 1 for more.

Which seems a bit rich, even from one of the fat leader’s disciples. However, it may be that the story has been sexed up a bit and what we really have is things which sit on the awkward margins of the law, things which seem reasonable and which one wants to do, but which need to be carefully and properly framed to be lawful. Perhaps in a context where talking about what the framers of the relevant legislation really intended does not help: one just has to go with what they actually wrote down.

Which prompts a different question. Why should a paper which, along with the Daily Mail, can be thought of as an organ of the Conservative Party, be stirring this particular pot, at this particular time? Is this what they call briefing against? Cooking up stories to discredit someone, for some reason or other? To make sure that Braverman gets passed over when Truss assumes the chair?

Too early in the morning to delve further.


Reference 1: Suella Braverman bans lawyers from telling ministers their policies are unlawful – Gurpreet Narwan, Charles Hymas, Daily Telegraph – 2022. 29th July.

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

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