Friday 7 January 2022

Wellingtonia 62

Captured in Nonsuch Park, seemingly our first visit for close on two years, with the most recent visit that I can turn up being that noticed at reference 2.

In the angle between The Avenue and Fir Walk in the snap above, with the house off-snap above. What would have to feed one's deep neural network for it to be able to pick out the Wellingtonia from above? A trick that certainly beats me.

There also a new wire fence, about six feet high, presumably intended to keep the deer off the trees and the spring bulbs. Not that I have ever seen any deer there.

As well as the fine Wellingtonia, there were a lot of Scots Pine, some very tall, and a variety of other handsome conifirs. Some slender but tall Scots Pine snapped above.

We were pleased to find that the café in the big house was still good for tea and cake, in my case a something tray baked involving almond paste and jam. Rather good and plenty of calories.

The snowdrops in Herald Copse were only just starting to show. Seemingly having missed them last year, we must get back in a couple of weeks or so to see how they are getting on.

This was supposed to be a rose pillar, with the roses given by the WI to celebrate or memorialise something or someone, but ivy and other creepers seems to have got the upper hand - although there was enough rose left to put out this rather striking hip.

We came across the park keeper, busy with something on the edge of Herald Copse. As ex-army chap, which I would have thought would be a good background for keeping law and order in such a place. Attending to dog walking ladies who didn't care to stick to the rules about where dogs were allowed and young people doing their thing after dark. From his talk, it sounded as if he had made his career in the army and had seen plenty of people and places in his time - and was a good deal more knowledgeable about the various places the army has been in over the years than I had expected. One bit of information being that the French Foreign Legion was very good in the veteran care department, better the the US and a lot better than us.

He also knew all about the Harris Hawk we had come across on a similar outing about six years ago, noticed at reference 3. Presently living free.

It turned out that he lived in the tied house at the other side of the park, where The Avenue turns north, up to the car park we usually use, coming in off the A24. A house we have wondered about from time to time, over the years.

Very busy mole in the children's play field, next to the car park - a lot busier and a lot fresher than the snap above would suggest - this not being the sort of snap that my telephone is much good at. At least in my hands. One of the places, as it happens, that dogs are not supposed to use.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Group search key: wgc.

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