Sunday 16 January 2022


The party which was once in the charge of Corby the Crow - vegetarian, teetotaller etc - does have a sense of humour after all. A tweet which turned up as an item in my Microsoft News feed, a feed mostly composed of rubbish from the Daily Mail and the Daily Express, those pillars of the fourth estate.

I wondered, over lunch, why they didn't all bunk off down to Chequers and party properly, in private, but as BH quickly pointed out, it is one thing to have a few bevvies after work, but it is quite another to be locked down with your leader, his nappies and his dogs, miles from anywhere.

I associate to stories about the late Oliver Reed, who had a habit cornering people in bars and then entertaining them with stories from his boozy past. Which to be fair, included a respectable number of respectable roles. And I think that he always turned up on time, which is more than could be said for some of his kind. Snapped at the end of reference 2. Possibly mainly remembered now for his arty - that is to say naked - role in a film version of Lawrence's 'Women in Love'.


Reference 1:'t_Working. The original. After the event, it turned out that the models for the queue of employment/dole seekers were actually Young Conservatives from the Home Counties, almost certainly not unemployed. At the very least with private incomes. Unfortunately, they couldn't be bothered to turn out for the shoot, and the twenty that did had to be computer replicated through the line.

Reference 2:

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