Saturday 8 January 2022

Business opportunity

I read that we are rather short on gas storage facilities in this country, a shortage which is exacerbating our present gas supply problems, having one's own storage capability being one way to hedge against supply and price fluctuations.

So perhaps, now that the plague looks to be easing off, all those financiers from the Isle of Man who have been making tax free hay out of protective equipment sales to their friends in high places, should switch their attention to all the derelict gas holders dotted around the country.

Buy them up cheap, give them a lick of paint or two, then rent them back to the gas people. There must be money to be made.

Perhaps I should make enquiries about the two gas holders we have here at Epsom, the ones that you see to the east as you pull out of Epsom Station, heading for Waterloo.

But maybe not the big one at Greenwich East, snapped above, which might need more than a lick of paint.


Reference 1: The source of the snap, turned up by Bing.

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