Monday 3 January 2022

Wellingtonia 60

Nearly there. Another large specimen captured at one of the entrances to the civilian cemetery at Brookwood, on the road called Cemetery Pales. I had thought that a large old cemetery might be a good hunting ground for Wellingtonia and this one was definitely a good sign. And as it turned out, the whole place was awash with them. Must been have been the height of fashion when the cemetery was first laid out.

Note the walls, not quite as grand as some other stretches, but which rather reminded us of the walls you sometimes get around the parks of stately homes, sometimes job creation schemes from a time when at least some landed gentry took their responsibilities to their villagers a bit more seriously than is usual now.

But, along with the mosque noticed in the last post, we missed out on the Orthodox church and monastery, the sign for which is to be seen under the brown signs.


Reference 1:

Reference 2: Oddly, a church which is Greek Orthodox but which also claims as its patron one King Edward, a late Saxon king of southern England, murdered young by some of his stepmother's retainers.

Groups search keys: wgc, bc1.

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