Sunday 30 January 2022

Cinnamon toast

Following the cinnamon pastry mentioned in the last post, that is to say reference 1, I have now tried making cinnamon toast for myself.

Beat a rounded teaspoon of cinnamon into a desert spoon of  butter. That is to say, ready ground cinnamon powder, rather than the raw logs snapped above.

Spread on fresh toast, with the butter above doing a slice and a half of homebrew wholemeal. Reference 2 gives an idea of the size of a slice, maybe half an inch thick in this case. Would have soaked up a lot more butter, if one was so minded.

Not bad at all, but quite delicately flavoured. Maybe it would do no harm to up the cinnamon content a bit.

BH declined, but she reminded me that the Canadians of Ottawa at least are keen on various kinds of cinnamon flavoured pastries, rather more complicated affairs than the Scandinavian cinnamon buns to be bought in central London these days. Plus I think the Canadians do pastries while the Scandinavians put yeast in their buns. A whole new field to be explored.


Reference 1:

Reference 2: Finished loaf at the end. The next batch, probably the day after tomorrow, will be batch 641.

Reference 3:

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