Wednesday 12 January 2022

Court Rec

A stroll along the section of Pound Lane which is now footpath, rather than road this afternoon, the section that runs from the vet which used to be the parky's house up to near the top of Meadway.

To find that this oak tree had been taken down. What was left of it did not look very healthy, so maybe it was more or less dead. And maybe, given the angle of the remaining trunk, it has become a hazard. The ground around was more or less waterlogged, despite the ditch across the path to the right, so one can see why they put land drains into the playing fields to the left, a good many years ago now.

The specks in the tree behind were actually balls of mistletoe, which seems to be spreading. While off-camera to the left, in the eastern sky, we had a waxing gibbous moon, maybe 30° above the horizon. 

And ahead, the flats built by Zestan, now deceased, as noticed at reference 1. Some signs of occupation. A substantial development which must have involved a lot of someone's money: was it what did for Zestan, or have the partners decided that their business is complete and folded it to move onto other things, onto the next thing?


Reference 1:

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