Thursday 11 November 2021

Trolley 442

Just the one trolley from the creationists this morning. Perhaps I need to do a clockwise walk so that I can return the lingering M&S trolley.

An hour or so later, back to find the men from Treadwell busily resurfacing our road - doing it properly this time, scraping the old macadam right off and replacing it with three or four inches of new.

The road was adopted by the council maybe 40 years ago and we have been there maybe thirty years - in which time we have only seen temporary patching and top dressing. The new macadam - from Tarmac - looks very smart and it will be interesting to see how long it lasts. Leaving aside any of the utilities needing to dig chunks of it up for one reason or another.

The only downside has been the need to trim some of the trees back to make way for the plant.

Despite having five goes at it, my telephone failed to get an even focus over its whole field: maybe I need a better class of telephone or a better class of photographer. But I did notice, that quite some time after it had been laid, the blacktop (to use the argot of the trade) was still giving out plenty of heat and making much the same sort of noise as cooling bread does when it comes out of the oven. Which last I had not noticed before.

PS: it would be fun to know from where all the men come from. The team looked very diverse to me.


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