Tuesday 9 November 2021

A modest suggestion

Prompted by this image of our fat leader prancing around some hospital without a mask, I thought an appropriate response by the senior managers told off to mind him would be for them to put on full barrier nursing gear. Maybe spacesuits and helmets would be taking it a bit far, but face masks, visors and surgical gloves might do something. 

Prompted also to think that our leaders are setting a poor example to the led more generally. The led might quite easily think 'if they can carry on like this, why should I bother with rules, regulations and looking out for my neighbours'.

The original caption in the FT read: 'Boris Johnson visiting Hexham General Hospital in Northumberland on Monday. The prime minister has a record of missing tricky Commons votes © Peter Summers/AFP/Getty Images'.


Reference 1: https://www.ptrsmmrs.com/. The photographer at the bottom of the food chain. His gallery includes a couple of smart green spacesuits under the 'singles' tab.

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