Saturday 6 November 2021

Trolley 439

Trolley 439 was captured in what is now the Kokoro Passage, formerly the Ashmore Passage. A trolley from the M&S food hall, without a coin up the spout. Returned without incident, although I did notice that a significant chunk of what is left of the clothing department downstairs has been taken over by festive goods. Just as well that I have taken to buying my socks by click and collect.

I find I have become rather set in my ways in the food department, so it seems unlikely that I will ever visit Kokoro, described at reference 2 as a Korean Japanese takeaway. Which I take to mean a company started by a Korean gentleman domiciled in this country selling Japanese flavoured food. Maybe if I happened to be with someone who liked that kind of thing -  but I cannot presently think of a likely candidate.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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