Tuesday 23 November 2021

Air frost

Just about three weeks since the last frost report, which seems like rather a long time. At the end of reference 1. Maybe I have not been looking out of the window first thing in the morning.

That being as it may be, at 07:40 this Wednesday morning, looking out of the study back window, there was a hard frost on the extension roof and on the garage roof.  A slight frost on the back lawn. Nothing that I could see on the hedges adjacent and only a few leaves had come down in the night. Sky overcast.

To be fair, quite a few leaves came down one night getting on for a week ago, so perhaps the next batch is not yet ready.

On which subject I can say that the hawthorn and the ash are done coming down. The hazel is near done. While the beech and the oak have turned yellow or brown, but are only half down. While the much larger oak, just over the fence from the brick compost heap, is still green. 

PS: the images turned up by Bing on the search key 'frost' were all very white and cold looking. The one I actually selected for inclusion above turns out to be a 3d screen wallpaper from reference 2, so it may have passed through Photoshop to get here. Maybe it started there. Is the whitening lower right deliberate or perhaps some trick of the original lighting? And then, whatever might 3d mean in this context?


Reference 1: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2021/11/wellingtonia-54.html.

Reference 2: https://hddesktopwallpapers.in/frost-wallpaper-3d/.

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