Saturday 6 November 2021

Assault on corporate greed: episode 1

Back in October, at reference 1, I moaned about the invasion of the system notifications space on my laptop by advertisements organised by Microsoft. An invasion which pops-up.

Yesterday, I was sufficiently irritated to try to do something about it.

So I start by asking Bing. Who knows all about the problem and offers all kinds of solutions.

I then go into 'settings' and find my way to the 'notification and actions' department - which appears to be the right place from which to mount the assault.

Unfortunately, all the solutions offered by Bing appear to be geared to a different version of Windows, and so don't work.

I then try to make progress without instructions - and promptly get lost in a maze of notification and action functionality. No doubt the capability to do what I want is there, I dare say it has to be to comply with the law in such matters, but I give up on the maze.

I associate to the exits in casinos in Las Vegas. They have to be there to comply with fire regulations, but they can be very hard to find. And the route to them always involves passing lots of slot machines and lots of craps pits. Not to mention other enticements.


Reference 1:

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