Thursday 20 July 2023

Fake 165

A doubly fake table on the terrace at Ryde's Dell café. Firstly, in that you have some kind of hardy composite masquerading as timber. Second, the timber being faked is supposed to be ancient, recycled timber, the sort of thing to be seen in lots of London and suburban eateries.

But faking apart, an entirely sensible table for a café. A cafe which offered fine views of Ryde sea and sand and which also offered surprisingly good crab sandwiches, crab with a much higher white count that is usual in such places. Spot of salad on the side, touched but not swamped with dressing, so fine, even for my delicate palate.

Clientèle rather more Surrey flavoured than is usual in and about Ryde. Rather more of that sort of thing in Seaview and in the hotel of that name. The word 'braying', as applied to the male of the species, comes to mind.

The day of the interesting clouds, some of which have already been noticed at reference 3.

PS: I rather like doing YouGov surveys, being interested to see what they are interested in and to see how they go about it. I tell them stuff that I probably would not tell my next door neighbour. But I don't think I am going to trust them with sight of all my banking activities. A step too far!


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Group search key: fakesk.

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